The Lit Kit Shop
Book Lists
Peek a Who?
Wishy Washy
Sara Boynton's Blue Box Set
Sara Boynton's Yellow Box Set
Barnyard Dance!
Dinosaur Dance!
Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb!
Dr. Seuss Blue Box Set
Dr. Seuss Green Box Set
Our Little Library by Tabitha Paige
Where’s Spot?
Dear Zoo
Goodnight Gorilla
Goodnight Moon
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
That’s Not My Unicorn...
That's Not My Dragon...
Hoppity Frog: A Slide and Seek Book
Splish Splash: A Slide and Seek Book
Babies Love Color
The Little Prince
The Alchemist
Little Women
Little Men
The Boys in the Boat
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Anne of Green Gables
Number the Stars
The Hiding Place
To Kill a Mockingbird
A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
The Cay
The Chronicles of Prydain
Treasure Island